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So, I Started a Blog.

I've always been envious of bloggers; their inspiration, dedication, and creativity has always been so intriguing to me. It's also the main reason I've deterred from starting my own blog. I mean really, it's kind of a big commitment, to periodically check in and share your thoughts with the world (or maybe just yourself, depending on your following).

I like the idea of being able to dump out, organize and make sense of the contents of my thoughts, documenting every trouble, idea, and nonsense notion. Some people have blogs dedicated to different areas of life; religion, weight loss journeys, running, wedding plans, politics…My blog won’t be about any of these things but will be about all of these things…

This blog is about me, about my life…the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Consider that your warning…

There are times when my mind spins with thoughts that I have no idea what to do with…So I Started a Blog


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